What is Neuropathy?
Neuropathy is damage to the nerves, that results in pain or neuralgia. There many causes of neuropathy too large for the scope of this discussion, but in the United States, nerve damage from diabetes and alcoholism top the chart. Excessive sugar and/or alcohol and their by-products damages the small blood vessels that nourish the nerve endings, essentially suffocating them and leaving to damage.
What are the symptoms of neuropathy?
The nerve endings in the hands and feet are especially vulnerable, and thus, to the symptoms of neuropathy, which range from numbness to severe “pins and needles”. Eventually, difficulty in handling objects (when hands are involved) and trouble walking (when feet are involved) may develop. The nerve damage is usually irreversible but may be slowed with proper diabetic control and cessation of alcohol intake. The symptoms of neuropathy, however, can be managed to some degree with medication. Contact Austin Spine Health today to begin your journey to reduce the pain caused by neuropathy.