WHY CHOOSE DR. YANIV To treat your back pain
Same day appointments and an easy referral process.
In-Depth, One Hour assessment
In depth one hour new patient assessment - You no longer have to feel like you’re being rushed through, enjoy your experience and get the your questions and concerns addressed.
Promptly see Dr. Yaniv at your appointment time, no more long times in the waiting room. She understand your time is precious and that doctor visits can be stressful.
As a top back pain doctor in Austin, Dr. Yaniv is uniquely qualified to assess your health and treat your condition.
integrative approach
Spine patients are often told that nothing can be done for their pain, if a traditional option is not available to them. Dr. Yaniv thinks outside the “box” and has resources that may not be offered to them in traditional spine practices. Dr. Yaniv uses a multitude of approaches to treat back and spine pain in the best way possible.
Direct contact to staff and physician - no automated messages and phone algorithms, get a human on the other side of the phone.